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The Leveraged Practice Podcast

Aug 19, 2021

Today we’re talking about something that many health professionals feel uncomfortable with. It did for me when I started my business. But it was one of those skills that I had to learn and get used to - and that was selling. 


In this changing world that we live in today, it’s become even more important to ensure that we are engaging with others and selling health in a genuine way.


In this week’s episode, I chatted with a member of our TLP team, Cassie Drinkwalter, Manager of Connections and Sales. We talked about how you can share your message in a natural and authentic way while also connecting with potential clients to enroll more members in your program.


Listen in as Cassie and I share:

  • The honest truth about what selling is
  • How to shift your thinking about selling
  • What the selling process includes 
  • Common blocks around selling
  • Resources to create to get you started with selling


This episode with Cassie will show you how you can sell in a way that feels comfortable and genuine to you, where you're creating a system around selling and truly helping people.


Did you enjoy this podcast? You may enjoy these 3 episodes about finding your ideal clients and selling:


Are you ready to get your first 10 clients enrolled in your online group program? I'm going to show you how, this month during our free 4-day training series.

In just 20 minutes a day, you’ll get simple step-by-step strategies to plan out your content, delivery model, and launch plan. Join in live at 11 am EDT, or listen to the replay on a private podcast or video.

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4-Day Live Workshop: How To Structure & Sell Your Online Health Program

AUGUST 23-26, 2021 @ 11:00 AM EST