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The Leveraged Practice Podcast

Apr 25, 2023

When’s the last time you sat down and meditated on what you truly want and dream of as a health practitioner?


Today, our host Stephanie Clairmont shares her journey of creating and selling digital products, starting with her very first digital product sale, which seemed like a failure at the time but ultimately...

Apr 18, 2023

Stephanie sits down with Allison Puryear, a consultant and business strategist for private practice clinicians at Abundance Practice Building. She is also a psychotherapist specializing in the treatment of people with eating disorders.


Listen in as Allison shares how she helps her clients at Abundance Practice...

Apr 4, 2023

Stephanie sits down with Jena Castro-Casbon, a business coach who helps speech-language pathologists build successful private practices. Over the past 14+ years, she has helped 10,000+ SLPs gain the knowledge and confidence to start and grow their dream private practices, step-by-step!


Jena is the host of the Private...