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The Leveraged Practice Podcast

Nov 28, 2019

2020 is coming soon so you probably already started to think about what next year is going to bring you and what you're going to do in your health practice.

If you haven't, I know the ideas are popping around your head so now is the time to start thinking about 2020 and what you want to accomplish next year.


Nov 21, 2019

Our words are some of the most powerful things that we have control over. 

As health professionals, we learned how to counsel, how to communicate and how to talk with clients in our practices and our offices. 

But we didn’t learn a lot about the written word outside of what we wrote for our professors. 

As you are...

Nov 14, 2019

If you’re a parent, does this sound familiar?

Feeling guilty when you’re working because you’re not with your kids, and then feeling guilty when you’re with your kids because you’re not working?

It can come down to your definition of success. Everyone has a different definition of what it is, and you are...

Nov 7, 2019

Feeling overwhelmed and unsure on how to use Instagram to connect with your audience? Or how to promote your online health program without feeling pushy?

When it comes to social media, my advice to my clients is to do everything strategically. Let's not do anything for vanity numbers, but let's be really smart about the...