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The Leveraged Practice Podcast

Aug 22, 2020

Going through the process of starting, building and scaling a business will inevitably lead to us making mistakes along the way. 

We're fortunate to be able to learn from each other’s mistakes and take the lessons from them, often without having to make those mistakes ourselves.

Today, I’m sharing with you...

Aug 13, 2020

I’ve been talking a lot about overwhelm lately – this feeling of too much on your plate and of not being able to find or make time for what you want or need to get done. 

And this idea of overwhelm has been especially present this year, with childcare and schools being canceled and workplaces shut down or moving...

Aug 6, 2020

Hearing other people’s stories is such a great way to learn, connect, feel inspired and motivated. It’s fun to see how people started in their health career, made the decision to create an online program, launched their program and then share what they’re doing now.

Today, we have another incredible guest and...