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The Leveraged Practice Podcast

Mar 26, 2020

I wanted to take some time to talk about this whole change that we've seen in the economy, our lifestyles and in the way that the world is currently working, from all the way from China through Europe, and right here in North America. 

There's a lot of anxiety, there's a lot of fear and that's all natural. It's normal...

Mar 19, 2020

By hearing other people's stories and seeing how they brought their health practice online, it helps us visualize how we too can move online and create great programs for our clients. 

Today, I’m excited to have our guest, fellow Registered Dietitian Jaime Mass, founder of Jaime Mass Nutritionals LLC. Jaime works with...

Mar 12, 2020

Have you been wondering, “How do I price my program? What if I price it too high? Or too low?”

You’re definitely not alone...It’s one of the biggest questions that I get asked from my audience and in calls with my clients.

Today, I’m sharing how you can approach this question so you don’t undervalue yourself...

Mar 5, 2020

Talking with other health practitioners, professionals and clinicians helps us learn through their stories and experiences - while talking with our audience helps us create a program that fits exactly with their needs.

Today we have an amazing guest, Alissa Rumsey, Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive...