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The Leveraged Practice Podcast

May 2, 2019

The idea of putting all this work into creating an online program wondering if people are going to want to enrol, may stop you in your tracks. In the TLP model, we highly recommend validating your idea first and there are a couple ways to do that.

This week I talk to Erica Julson of popular The Unconventional RD Community on Facebook about her last launch where she really wanted to make sure she was creating the right product for her audience before dedicating hours of time planning and developing. Erica launched her program and did an incredible job hitting almost $20k in revenue with this first launch to this group. We’re proud of her hard work and that she’s developed a program that supports her audience. That’s what we all must do – focus on our people and what problem we will help them solve. Great job Erica!

This is such a great strategy for some of us, but it’s not for everyone. Choosing a launch strategy really depends on your business model, audience and strategy. If you’re wondering about what the “pre-sell” model looks like, pros and cons and if it’s right for you, tune in to this episode.

About Erica Julson

Erica is a registered dietitian and blogger with a passion for functional nutrition and online entrepreneurship. She runs two websites, Functional Nutrition Answers and The Unconventional RD, where she shares nutrition articles and helps other wellness professionals create passive income online. When she’s not at the computer writing, Erica can be found in the kitchen, rocking out to good music and cooking up a storm.