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The Leveraged Practice Podcast

Dec 12, 2019

Online health education is impacting and continues to impact health as a whole around the world. We need to continue to be innovative on how we are reaching our clients, our patients, and our customers - and know how we can best serve them.

My mission is to help health professionals create an online health program or an online program for other professionals, so that we all can work together on impacting people who need our expertise.

On today’s episode, I wanted to help you get started by giving you four really important steps that come right out of the framework of The Leveraged Practice program.

Here’s what I shared:

  • The 4 main pillars of creating an online program (it’s been so much fun helping over 100 health professionals create and launch their online programs using this framework!)
  • How to know if your online program idea will work (we need to step back from it and identify the problem that we want to solve!)
  • The way to discover your program framework (it starts with a download of all the ideas you have in your head!)
  • Ideas to simplify the delivery and setup of your program (I don’t want you to get stuck because of the tech!)
  • My number #1 enrolment strategy (all around building a waitlist - and not pre-selling!)

These proven strategies are all about how you can create something that's going to change your life and change the lives of your clients. We do it for them, to help solve their problems with our expertise!

If you enjoyed this podcast, you may enjoy these 3 other podcast episodes about Launch Strategy: