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The Leveraged Practice Podcast

Mar 25, 2021

As health professionals, one of the biggest areas that most of us struggle with is not having a business or marketing background.

Your goals may be that you want to work for yourself, start a private practice, help more people and increase your income potential. 

But in order to really scale a business and grow...

Mar 18, 2021

Listen on your favourite podcast app like iTunes or Spotify.

If you want to build an online program and pivot away from doing one to one and more towards group programs, hearing some of the lessons that other health professionals learn along the way is so beneficial. 

Today, we have another amazing client, Lisha...

Mar 11, 2021

"What should I price my program?"
"Can I sell a lower priced product?"
"Do I have to sell an expensive program?"

Anything related to money can feel tricky - and these are the common questions I get asked often around pricing.

Today, I give you real actionable steps that you can take to determine the pricing of your...

Mar 4, 2021

Listen on your favourite podcast app like iTunes or Spotify.

Have you offered in person group programs before - and wondered how you could transition those to online?
If so, you’ll want to catch this episode about expanding your business by going virtual.

Today, we have another amazing client, Sharon Fast,...