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The Leveraged Practice Podcast

Sep 26, 2019

Some of us are afraid of the numbers and we don’t look at the spreadsheets. Some of us are not and we look at the spreadsheets. 

I know that financials can be an uncomfortable topic, but we have to talk about it.

I want to challenge everyone to look at the financials, when you are thinking about the work that you do...

Sep 19, 2019

Have you wondered what exactly is a launch?
And if it’s necessary to even have a launch?
Did you know there are four phases in a launch?

I’ve found that most people have those questions and aren’t sure what is all included in a launch. So please know that if you’ve launched before and no one bought, that’s...

Sep 12, 2019

A couple of years into my practice, I started to wonder if I could do things a little bit differently – and about my love for teaching.

I wanted to give my clients more by continuing to educate them and share with them information that I thought was really important, but they just didn’t have the time for more in...

Sep 5, 2019

If you’ve been wondering what exactly do I do within The Leveraged Practice Workshop and have questions about it, today’s episode is all about addressing the common questions I get, especially what we do in the workshop and who it’s for.

It’ll also help you understand a way of teaching online, even if you’re...